Instore Radio

Instore OS provides content curators and integrators with an all-in-one solution for operating reliable instore radio applications at scale. 

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Take advantage of Instore OS to create superior customer experiences and lower your operating costs. 

Maximum Process Efficiency

Powerful Content Management System

Create and main­tain your instore radio chan­nels in the most adept way pos­si­ble. Thanks to the tag-based cura­tion approach you are even able to set up highly local­ized mar­ket­ing cam­paigns in no time. 

Plus, tedious tasks like file re-encod­ing and auto­matic gain con­trol are done auto­mat­i­cally in the back­ground to ensure a pre­mium play­back quality. 

Content Management System
Account Management
Reduced Operating Costs

Smart Account and Device Management

Main­tain a good overview over all deployed devices in a single dash­board. Rest assured of a proper oper­a­tion thanks to the real-time health status. 

Ben­e­fit from secured remote admin­is­tra­tion capa­bil­i­ties sig­nif­i­cantly reduc­ing the number of on-site ser­vice calls. 

Reduced Operating Costs

Smart Account and Device Management

Main­tain a good overview over all deployed devices in a single dash­board. Rest assured of a proper oper­a­tion thanks to the real-time health status. 

Ben­e­fit from secured remote admin­is­tra­tion capa­bil­i­ties sig­nif­i­cantly reduc­ing the number of on-site ser­vice calls. 

Account Management
Superior Customer Experience

Sustainable White-Label Instore Radio Platform

The Instore OS plat­form can be white-labled allow­ing you to pro­vide cut­ting-edge instore radio solu­tions while focus­ing on your core business. 

In addi­tion, reg­u­lar firmware and secu­rity updates are pro­vided over the Inter­net let­ting you stay up to date at any time. 

Sustainable Platform
Get in touch

Schedule a Demo now

If you are an inte­gra­tor, con­tent cura­tor or retailer, Instore OS will assist you in cre­at­ing state-of-the-art Instore Music and Instore Radio solu­tions. Explore your options to inte­grate with Instore OS and get your ques­tions answered by our tech­nol­ogy experts. We look for­ward to talk­ing with you. 

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